💡✍️ADN #121: The Wrong Teacher Can Teach You The Most

adn121 artist development artist development newsletter artist development tips education teacher Mar 09, 2025

Everyone’s out here looking for the right mentors.

The wise manager.

The seasoned producer.

The industry vet who’s “seen it all” and drops golden nuggets of wisdom over a whiskey neat.

I’ve found that the wrong teacher can teach you just as much — if not more.

Artist development is more than mentors, it’s mistakes.

It’s not only learning lessons from legends, but from letdowns.

  • A flaky bandmate will teach you the value of reliability.
  • A promoter who ghosts you will teach you persistence.
  • A label rep who overpromises and underdelivers will teach you to trust actions, not words.

These aren’t life lessons wrapped in a TED Talk.

They’re gut punches wrapped in frustration.

And if you’re paying attention, they’ll make you sharper.

Your Worst Experiences = Your Best Lessons

Think about the last time someone let you down in the industry.

  • The gig that fell through.
  • The deal that disappeared.
  • The feature that never happened.

In the moment, it’s just frustration.

A headache.

Another reason to wonder if this business is even worth it.

But take a step back.

Because that letdown?

It just handed you something valuable.

  • A label strings you along? You learn to build leverage before signing anything.
  • A co-writer bails last minute? You learn to always have a backup plan.
  • A manager doesn’t fight for you? You learn to fight for yourself.

None of these people were trying to teach you anything.

They were just being themselves.

But their mistakes, their failures, their inability to show up?

That’s the stuff that makes you stronger.

The Industry is a Brutal Teacher — If You’re Paying Attention

Some artists get burned and turn bitter.

They get played once and decide the whole system is rigged.

They take every disappointment as a sign that maybe they should just quit.

Other artists?

They learn.

They take the hit, sure.

But they also take the lesson.

They don’t just rage about how that producer stole their credits — they get better at protecting their work.

They don’t just vent about how that booking agent screwed them — they tighten up their contracts.

They don’t just whine about how nobody believes in them — they find a way to make it undeniable.

The difference isn’t talent.

It’s perspective.

Because let’s be honest: This industry isn’t here to make sure you succeed.

But it gives you all the lessons you need to figure it out.

Ask Yourself: What’s the Lesson Here?

Next time someone disappoints you, resist the urge to spiral into frustration.

Instead, ask yourself one simple question:

“What did that just teach me?”

Not to let them off the hook.

Not to justify their behavior.

But to make sure you walk away smarter.

The wrong teacher might not have your best interests in mind.

But they still have something to offer.

Might as well take notes.

See you next Sunday,



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