💡✍️ADN #116: One Day
Feb 09, 2025Most people live in the land of One Day.
One day, I’ll start writing music.
One day, I’ll release that album.
One day, I’ll quit my job and go all in.
One day, I’ll figure out how to make this a real career.
One day is a mirage.
It sits on the horizon, looking real enough to chase but never getting closer.
The Problem With One Day
It sounds productive.
Responsible, even.
Like a promise to your future self.
But here’s the truth: One day is the easiest way to avoid today.
It lets you feel ambitious without doing anything.
It’s an IOU to yourself that you’ll never cash in.
Because One day is always waiting.
And waiting.
And waiting.
Meanwhile, other artists — the ones making waves and getting noticed — are moving.
One Day Doesn’t Exist.
There is no perfect moment.
No magic switch that suddenly makes you “ready.” No cosmic approval stamp that says, Congratulations! It’s time to start!
Every artist you admire started before they were ready.
They released songs that weren’t perfect.
They played to empty rooms. They sent awkward emails.
But they did it.
Because they understood something:
Momentum doesn’t come from waiting.
It comes from moving.
The Alternative?
Flip One day on its head.
- Instead of One day, I’ll start writing every morning → Today, I write one lyric.
- Instead of One day, I’ll start posting about my music → Today, I share one thought.
- Instead of One day, I’ll release my first song → Today, I set a release date.
Tiny actions beat big intentions.
Every time.
The Test
Look at your biggest One day statement.
The thing you keep postponing.
Now, ask yourself:
“What’s the smallest thing I can do right now to make progress?”
Then do it.
Before your brain has time to argue.
Because One day isn’t coming.
But today is wide open.
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See you next Sunday,

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