💡✍️ADN #096: It Sounds So Simple

adn096 artist development artist development newsletter habits process Sep 22, 2024

We are all on different steps of our journey.

We are all trying to find our way.

We all struggle with direction.

We don’t know which song will go viral.

We don’t know which post will pop off.

The only thing we (all of us) can control is the work we give the world.

  • Write the song
  • Record the song
  • Release the song
  • Promote the song

And then repeat the process.

It sounds so simple.

And it can be, but we usually overthink it.


Because we want to control the uncontrollable.

You can’t make someone like your song.

You can only set up conditions that raise the likelihood that they will.

You can’t guarantee a viral moment.

You can only craft content that you love and want to see yourself.

You gain confidence when you focus on the work instead of the result.


By controlling the controllable.

Doing so teaches you to let go of what you can’t.

And to lean into what you can.

  • You can make any art you want.
  • What you make is what is important.
  • You can promote however you want.
  • You can promote as long as you want.

How your art is received is only in your hands until you give it to the world the way you intended.

Now, here is a critical point to all of this…

You can only expect the world to find you and your talent by giving it something to see.

The more often you put yourself out there, the more you will be discovered.

Discovery compounds.

Word of mouth is the original viral moment, and it still exists; it just lives first in digital form.

  • Write the song
  • Record the song
  • Release the song
  • Promote the song

And then repeat the process.

It sounds so simple.


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