💡✍️ADN #091: The Truth About The Truth

adn091 artist development artist development newsletter songwriting truth writing Aug 18, 2024

A made-up tale can take you away from whatever world you want to escape.

A well-crafted poem, movie, book, or song can turn your mind in any direction it wants.

As a writer, making up a story from thin air is an amazing asset.

But even the tallest tale has some truth weaved in it.

A heartbreak, a memory, nostalgia.

It may manifest as an unrecognizable character, but some value, lesson, or essence is either a part of you or who you wish you were.

And that is the truth about the truth.

The truth is our most interesting quality.

Because we each have our own.

Our lens.

Our perspective.

Our way of interpreting every experience.

When you are writing, you can write a simple 1st person song or create a wild narrative about “someone else.”

There are no rules to writing.

That is the beauty.

The truth inside your writing is what will draw people to you.


Because the truth is relatable.

The truth is emotion, vulnerability, humor, self-deprecation, mistakes, flaws, pain, and love.

It’s the human experience packaged from your unique point of view.

Turn the volume on your truth up to 11, no matter how you present it, and your words will find an audience to tell your truth to.

See you next Sunday -


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