💡✍️ADN #089: You Don’t Want Immediate Results

#actions adn089 artist development artist development newsletter lag reactions results Aug 04, 2024

Artist development is a long game.

And in reality, it never ends.

With this comes the weight of time put in vs. results.

Today, let’s discuss why we usually don’t want immediate results.

“Most great actions take time for great reactions.”

What does this mean?

This means most of our work happens days, weeks, months, or even years before it is celebrated.

There is a lag between the work and the world’s acknowledgment.

In this era of social media prioritization, a post can go off without warning, triggering an onslaught of instantaneous feedback at a seemingly random moment.

When this happens, it can be exciting and overwhelming.

Like a drug dealer dishing dopamine to the point of overdose.

It can be a life-changing positive (but rarely) or derail you from the path you are building methodically that is almost ready for discovery.

It is a tricky mental game not to look back at the past to the point that you aren’t focused on the moment you are in.

Yet, it is invaluable to remind yourself how far you’ve come in the weeks, months, or years you’ve been working behind the scenes on something the future may applaud.

Time will soon turn what your effort has been focused on into the results you imagined when you wondered why you weren’t there yet.

We rarely receive immediate results because doing anything significant takes time.

Effort x Time = Result

You don’t want immediate results.

You want excellent outcomes.

When you set a goal, see it through.

Know that the creation process is like laying bricks in a building.

A great foundation is essential.

Without the stability of groundwork, practice, and preparation, the first time a great result comes quickly, you will come crashing down.

With the right amount of lag between your idea and outcome, you’ll be ready when time catches up to your creation.

Action Item:

Stay focused on the little things within your bigger goal.

Take daily steps until you see the reward of the result you imagine.

See you next Sunday -



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