💡✍️ADN #088: Building a TEAM for artists

adn088 artist development artist development newsletter team teamwork Jul 28, 2024

Hey friends -

This week, we’re diving into the role a strong TEAM plays in an artist’s development.

It can be tricky to manage the team you have around you.

Part of the reason for building a team is to hand off responsibility.

But handing off responsibility also means building great systems for trust, empowerment, alignment, and momentum.


Artists can use this acronym and framework to steer managers, agents, and record labels.

The same principles apply to band dynamics for delegating the workload of writing, recording, touring, promoting your music, and managing your touring crew.

Let’s dive in.

TEAM = trust, empowerment, alignment, and momentum.

T: Trust

Trust is the bedrock of your team.

Without trust, collaboration falters.

Open communication and reliability build trust, enabling your team to work seamlessly together.

Trust isn’t given; it’s earned through consistency and mutual respect.

How to Build Trust:

- Open Communication: Encourage honest and transparent dialogue.

- Reliability: Follow through on commitments and deadlines.

- Respect: Show respect for each team member’s ideas and contributions.

- Consistency: Be consistent in actions and decisions to establish reliability.

- Feedback: Provide constructive feedback and be open to receiving it.

E: Empowerment

Empowerment means giving your team the autonomy and confidence to make decisions and take ownership of their roles.

When your team feels empowered, they bring their best ideas and energy.

This isn’t just about delegation; it’s about creating an environment where everyone feels valued and motivated.

How to Empower Your Team:

- Autonomy: Give team members the freedom to make decisions.

- Support: Provide the resources and tools needed for success.

- Recognition: Acknowledge and celebrate contributions and achievements.

- Encouragement: Encourage creative thinking and innovation.

- Trust: Show trust in their abilities and judgment.

A: Alignment

Alignment ensures that everyone is working towards the same goal, with tasks that match their strengths.

Proper alignment creates synergy, making your project more efficient and impactful.

It’s about ensuring everyone knows their role and how they contribute to the bigger picture.

How to Achieve Alignment:

- Clear Goals: Set clear objectives and communicate them effectively.

- Role Clarity: Define roles and responsibilities clearly.

- Strengths Matching: Assign tasks based on individual strengths.

- Regular Check-ins: Hold regular meetings to ensure everyone is on the same page.

- Feedback Loop: Create a system for ongoing feedback and adjustments.

M: Momentum

Momentum is the driving force that propels your project forward.

It’s built by maintaining a positive and energetic team environment.

When your team is aligned and empowered, momentum naturally follows, creating a wave of progress that can elevate your project to new heights.

How to Build and Maintain Momentum:

- Set Milestones: Break larger goals into smaller, achievable milestones.

- Celebrate Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate achievements, big and small.

- Positive Environment: Foster a positive and energetic team culture.

- Continuous Improvement: Encourage a mindset of constant learning and improvement.

- Manage Energy: Promote work-life balance and manage workloads to keep energy levels high.

Delegating Based on Strengths:

The first step in effective delegation is recognizing the unique strengths of each team member.

Encourage self-awareness and provide opportunities for your team to showcase their talents.

How to Identify Strengths:

- Self-Assessments: Utilize tools and assessments to help team members identify their strengths.

- Observation: Observe team members in action to see where they excel.

- Feedback: Gather feedback from peers and colleagues.

- One-on-One Meetings: Have regular check-ins to discuss strengths and areas for growth.

- Skill Inventories: Create a skills inventory to track each member’s abilities.

Strategic Delegation:

Once strengths are identified, match tasks to the appropriate team members.

This strategic delegation ensures that everyone is working in their zone of genius, leading to higher-quality outputs and a more efficient workflow.

How to Delegate Strategically:

- Match Tasks to Strengths: Align tasks with each team member’s strengths.

- Set Clear Expectations: Provide clear instructions and expectations for each task.

- Provide Resources: Ensure team members have the resources they need to succeed.

- Offer Support: Be available to offer guidance and support as needed.

- Follow-Up: Check in regularly to track progress and offer feedback.

Embracing Contrarian Opinions

Diverse perspectives are invaluable in the creative process.

Contrarian opinions challenge the status quo and can spark innovation that you might not have considered otherwise.

How to Value Diverse Perspectives:

- Encourage Openness: Foster an environment where all opinions are welcome.

- Diverse Team: Build a team with diverse backgrounds and experiences.

- Active Listening: Practice active listening to understand different viewpoints.

- Inclusive Meetings: Ensure everyone has a chance to voice their opinions.

- Respect Differences: Show respect for differing opinions and perspectives.

Constructive Conflict:

Encourage healthy debates and discussions within your team.

Constructive conflict can lead to breakthroughs and ensure all viewpoints are considered before making decisions.

How to Encourage Constructive Conflict:

- Set Ground Rules: Establish guidelines for respectful and productive discussions.

- Focus on Ideas: Separate ideas from individuals to avoid personal conflicts.

- Facilitate Discussions: Use facilitators to guide and keep discussions on track.

- Encourage Debate: Promote a culture where debate is seen as a path to better solutions.

- Resolve Conflicts: Address and resolve conflicts quickly to prevent escalation.

Building Positive Energy

Foster a supportive and uplifting environment by recognizing achievements and providing positive reinforcement.

Celebrate wins, big and small, to keep morale high.

How to Create a Positive Team Culture:

- Celebrate Achievements: Regularly recognize and celebrate successes.

- Positive Reinforcement: Use positive feedback to motivate and encourage.

- Supportive Environment: Create a culture of support and encouragement.

  • Team Bonding: Organize team activities to strengthen relationships.
  • Open Communication: Encourage open and honest communication.

Energy Management

Manage energy levels by encouraging breaks, promoting work-life balance, and ensuring that the workload is evenly distributed.

A well-rested team is a productive team.

How to Manage Energy Levels:

- Promote Breaks: Encourage regular breaks to prevent burnout.

- Work-Life Balance: Promote a healthy work-life balance.

- Flexible Schedules: Offer flexible working hours when possible.

- Monitor Workloads: Ensure workloads are manageable and evenly distributed.

- Encourage Wellness: Promote health and wellness activities.

Impact on Artist and Project:

Positive energy within the team translates to better performance and greater success.

A vibrant, motivated team can elevate your project from good to great.

How Positive Energy Impacts Your Project:

- Increased Productivity: High energy levels lead to greater productivity.

- Enhanced Creativity: Positive energy fosters a more creative environment.

- Better Collaboration: Energized teams collaborate more effectively.

- Higher Morale: Positive energy boosts team morale and motivation.

- Greater Success: A positive team culture leads to overall project success.

 — -

TEAM Communication Tools:

- Slack: For seamless communication

- Trello: For task management and collaboration

- Google Workspace: For document sharing and real-time collaboration


A successful team is built on trust, empowerment, alignment, and momentum.

Leveraging your team’s strengths and embracing diverse opinions can significantly enhance your creative projects.

Action Steps:

Take a moment to evaluate your current team setup.

Are you leveraging their strengths?

Are you fostering a positive and empowering culture?

Make the necessary adjustments, and your projects will begin to make the progress you and your team want.

See you next Sunday,




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