šŸ’”āœļøADN #081: The SameĀ River

Jun 09, 2024

No one steps in the same river twice.”

The same concept is true for songwriting.

The way you write a song today won’t be the same tomorrow.

Each day provides a unique perspective and different lenses to write through.

John Lennon’s “Imagine” was written after years of thought on society and its unnecessary rules, but imagine if he had waited to write it until 1977 instead of 1971.

He would have had more perspective and possibly been influenced by other music, making the song sound different.

What makes our songwriting special is that we write and capture our ideas, creating time capsules of where we were and what we were feeling at particular moments in time.

We can always rewrite or adapt a song in the future, but we can never go back and write something for yesterday tomorrow.

If you have an idea today, I encourage you to write it.

Get it out.

No matter how messy it seems.

You can always revisit it later and change it to fit how you feel then, but there is no better time to write about how you feel today than today.

No one steps into the same river twice because the water constantly moves, just like our ideas.

See you next Sunday,



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