💡✍️ADN #074: Concert Revenue Deep Dive
Apr 21, 2024Earlier this week, I wrote a post on LinkedIn breaking down the earnings of an average club-level concert.
Today, I want to expand on it to show examples of the expenses accompanying those earnings.
Here is a quick breakdown of earnings on an average club-level concert.
- Venue Capacity- 550
- Ticket Price — $25.00
- Artist Guarantee — $7,500.00
- 550 Tickets @ $25.00 = $13,750.00
- Artist Walkout Potential — $10,000.00 @ Sell-Out ($2,500.00 Bonus at 550 Tickets Sold)
Sometimes, a venue will offer a bonus at sell-out, as in this example.
- Sometimes, it is a door deal against the guarantee and expenses, like $7,500.00 versus the right to receive 90.00% of the gross box office receipts after applicable tax and the approved listed costs have been deducted.
- Artist Merchandise — $4,000.00 (Gross)
- Venue Cut — 0–25% (Venues vary on this — It could differ on CDs and vinyl vs. soft goods like shirts and hats — Example — 0% on music and 20% on soft goods.)
Let’s say it’s 20%, so $4,000.00 minus $800.00 (20%) = $3,200.00 net sales (not including the cost of printing).
- Paid Meet & Greet: $150.00 x 10 Sales = $1,500.00 (not including the cost to print any items offered in the M&G package.)
To recap -
- $10,000.00 (earning from guarantee + ticket sales) + $3,200.00 (Merch) + $1,500.00 (M&G).
Artist Walkout — $14,700.00
Then, a business manager uses the income to pay management, business management, booking commissions, travel expenses, gear rentals, crew pay, misc. expenses and finally, payment to the artist or band.
Let’s take a look at those deductions -
- Management — 15% (Less production costs)
- Business Manager — 5% (Less production costs)
- Booking Agent — 10% of the guarantee and any bonuses from tickets sold.
- Bus, Driver, and Gas Per Day (Avg) — $1,612.00 per day
- Gear Rentals — $300.00 per day
- Crew Pay — $1,500.00 per day
- Misc. — TBD
Working off of $14,700.00 earnings from the show, we see the commissions land at -
- Management — 15% of $14,700.00 = $2,205.00 — production of $300.00 = $1,905.00
- Business Manager — 5% of $14,700.00 = $735.00 — production of $300.00 = $435.00
- Booking Agent — 10% of $10,000.00 = $1,000.00
Commissions — $3,340.00
Then, we add in the additional expenses listed above.
Commissions — $3,340.00 + $3,412.00 (Travel, Gear Rentals, and Crew Pay)
Commissions + Expenses = $6,752.00
$14,700.00 (Artist Walkout) — $6,752.00 (Commissions + Expenses) = $7,948.00
Next, let’s look at average taxes -
- Payroll Taxes — 9%
- State Tax — Est. 1% of gross income
In the example above, I am using my band as the reference.
Therefore, there are three of us who split the net profit equally.
It could be a 5-piece band that is hired and a solo artist or many other variations.
To fully estimate a true net profit or loss those variables would have to be taken into consideration along with any cost of goods on merchandise.
This is also based on a single show.
Any earnings from this show would be put into projections for each week, month, and year to calculate expenses vs. net profit across a calendar year.
Here is a Tour Budget Cheat Sheet with additional line items that could be part of your budget and should be factored into your overall financial projections.
Click “File” and select “Make A Copy” to save it for future reference.

See you next Sunday!
Neil Mason
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